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Add:No.106, Boling East Road, Economic Development Zone, Shenzhou City, Hebei Province
Product Center Current Location: Home >  Product Center >  SF-1T oilless lubrication bearings
SF-1T oilless lubrication bearings
Author:admin   Release date:2018-4-9 15:18:15

   This product is suitable for working under the oilless condition. It can be used under a working temperature range of -195~280℃.And it has excellent properties of friction resistance, low fraction and long life. With excellent properties of corrosion resistance, it can work in varies corrosive media (including in liquids and gases). It has characteristics of compact structure, light and small occupied volume. High mechanical strength makes it bear lager constant and dynamic load which makes machine reduce vibration and reduce noise to improve the working condition.

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